Alyssa Carpenter

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Alicia and Dan's engagement session at Sapphire Point was so magical! Sapphire Point is this dreamy mountain lookout overlooking Lake Dillon and is one of my favorite spots for elopements and intimate weddings! It also makes for some epic engagement photos too! 

I was connected to Alicia because I did her best friend Chelsie's photos last year, and now I get to shoot Alicia's wedding and Chelsie is in the wedding! How fun is that?! Alicia and Dan are two of the kindest, down to earth, fun loving people I have ever met! They picked me up that day and we drove up together chatting about camping, hiking, dogs, and pretty much everything else. Their session was absolutely perfect too... the rain held off just in time and made for the most gorgeous overcast skies. We spent the evening hiking around Sapphire Point laughing and taking photos at all of the pretty pulloffs. They brought their pup too who was such a cutie!! After that we ended at a local brewery with some good food and hot chocolate to warm up because we were all FREEZING!

It was so fun and special getting to know these two. This session was one of my all time favorites!! Even though my husband says I say that about every session. ;)

I am so grateful to work with the most laid back, adventurous couples who become great friends! I am SO excited for their wedding this October and for all the adventures to come! 

If you're planning an adventure engagement/couples session, elopement, or wedding in Colorado or anywhere else in the world.. contact me! I'd love to help you plan something epic!