Alyssa Carpenter

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Kacie and Tyler's engagement session at Guanella Pass was MAGICAL!! I had never shot at Guanella Pass and have been dying to take a couple up there for an elopement or engagement session. It did not disappoint!! Earlier that day Kacie and I were checking the weather forecast constantly because it was supposed to storm. Colorado weather is crazy and a storm could mean all night, for 5 minutes, or not at all, so it's always a tough call to trust the forecast. We decided to risk the weather and go for it hoping for the best, and I am SO glad we did!

Kacie and Tyler picked me up in Denver and we road up to the pass together, chatting about pretty much everything! It was so great getting to know them more and getting to spend some more time together before the shoot. When we got to the top it was INCREDIBLE! The skies were super dark overcast and the mountains were so green! It literally looked like we were in Scotland or Ireland rather than Colorado. The rain held off the entire time and it just barely started to sprinkle right when we were about to leave. I absolutely love working with couples who are laid back, down for whatever, and willing to risk the weather and embrace the rain. Colorado weather is crazy and unpredictable, so you have to just roll with it!

There session was seriously so perfect and I am obsessed with the dark clouds!! We had so much fun running around the mountain, while basically I just followed them around as they cuddled and acted all cute. ;) Kacie emailed me a few days before their session and asked if they could wear their halloween costumes for a few at the end. I wasn't sure what to expect, but of course was like yeah sure, and I am so glad they did!! It was literally the best thing ever and I can't stop grinning looking at those photos! Right before we finished up they changed into their grandma and grandpa costumes and we had so much fun with them!! I love couples who are genuine and not afraid to be themselves!! 

If you're planning an adventurous session, elopement, or wedding here in Colorado or anywhere else in the world, contact me! I'd love to help you plan something epic and tag along on your adventure!