Alyssa Carpenter

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Andrew + Laurel's adventure engagement session at Boreas Pass was one of my favorite sessions ever!! Boreas Pass is this AMAZING high mountain road near Breckenridge, Colorado. I had never been there before Andrew and Laurel's session, and it did not disappoint!! We were undecided of the location until about two hours before, which pretty typical for me because it's so hard to decide when Colorado is so beautiful in every direction you look!! We had a few places in mind but it had snowed a lot a few days earlier and so Andrew texted Laurel that morning all excited saying he wanted a "winter wonderland with snow on the trees and mountains!!"and that is exactly what we found!!! Haha! We came across Boreas Pass and even though none of us had every been there we figured why not! It was so much fun all adventuring and exploring a new place together. 

Laurel and Andrew picked me and Tyler up on the way and the four of us and their pup Cooper had so much fun snow shoeing on the trails and soaking up this winter wonderland. Especially when I thought I didn't need snow shoes and sunk waist deep into the snow.. haha! The actual road of Boreas Pass closed at the parking lot, so we just snow shoed the rest of the way, having the place to ourselves and the views were INCREDIBLE!! After their session we all went to the Breckenridge Brewery and celebrated with some good food and beer! 

It's so easy for couples to always want to stick to the iconic Colorado places like Sapphire Point or Rocky Mountain National Park, but I always LOVE when couples are down to explore somewhere new, different, and more remote. I love engagement sessions so much and think they should be all about the experience and meaning, rather than just an awkward photo shoot to get some good shots for your save the dates. Why not make it an experience and hike, explore a new place together, and just have fun celebrating being engaged?! I am so beyond grateful to work with such fun, down to earth, laid back clients who become more like great friends. Literally counting down the days for their little farm intimate wedding this summer!! 

If you're planning an epic adventure couples session, elopement, or intimate mountain wedding here in Colorado (or anywhere else in the world!), contact me!! I'd love to help you plan something rad and be a part of your adventure!!